Dear Amazon,

Here are some serious issues needing your attention:

1) ePub support: This is the mp3 of the book industry. It’s pure corporate selfishness not to allow me to read this format on my device. Don’t be Apple and tell me how, and under what conditions, I can use your hardware. How about building a machine that unabashedly “just works”?

2) Better PDF support:

  • I want to be able to read most PDFs in portrait mode without needing a magnifying glass
  • To do this, you need better zoom tools. 120% would work nice.
  • Being able to highlight text while zoomed in would be nice.
  • Actually zooming in on the area I selected would be very helpful. Why provide me the option then not perform the function?
  • Even better, build a script that zooms in to the text margins automatically.
  • And why, exactly, do PDF’s I email my Kindle never arrive?

3) Decripple the browser: Why, exactly, won’t you let me open PDFs from Dropbox or anywhere else on the web? This is not a hardware or software limitation, this is intentional crippling. Flagging it as “experimental” is not an excuse.

4) Decripple WiFi: I know you want to sell more 3G units, but it’s unbelievable that I can neither connect to my work WiFi network nor ad-hoc WiFi from my phone or computer. This is not a hardware or software limitation, this is intentional crippling.

5) I know this one is crazy – but how about controls for the music player? Like choosing an album. Or going back. Flagging it as “experimental” is not an excuse.

6) Open your code and let people fix these mistakes in a timely manner or let them build a better OS than what you have now. There’s nothing innovative in this code worth protecting. Learn from Nokia – open weak code to save the platform.

– Trey